Getting health insurance through Vermont Health Connect
What is Vermont Health Connect (VHC)?
Vermont Health Connect or VHC is the state marketplace where you can buy health insurance. Most people get financial help to lower your costs. It was created in 2010 by the Affordable Care Act.
When you apply for health insurance through VHC, they will check to see if you qualify for different programs based on your income and household size. These programs include Medicaid, Dr. Dynasaur and private health plans through VHC. VHC calls these private plans “Qualified Health Plans.”
If you qualify for a private health plan through VHC, you might be able to get financial help to lower the premium (monthly cost). Learn more about financial help – the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reductions.
Enrolling in a health plan
The open enrollment period for VHC is from November 1 to January 15. During this time, you can buy a health plan or switch to a different plan.
Note: After the open enrollment period ends on January 15, you can’t buy a health plan through VHC unless you have a qualifying life event.
There are two new qualifying events that let you enroll in a plan at any time:
- if you are below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level and qualify for financial help
- if you have lost your Medicaid coverage since March 2023.
Note: If you qualify for Medicaid or Dr. Dynasaur, you can enroll any time of the year — you don't have to wait for open enrollment.
Visit our How to Apply page.
What’s new this year?
Visit our 2025 Vermont Health Connect web page to see what’s new for this year. For example, gold plans will have a lower monthly premium than silver plans. Almost everyone should consider buying a gold plan in 2025.
Need help with Vermont Health Connect?
Do you have a question or issue that you have not been able to get answered or solved through VHC?
Call the Office of the Health Care Advocate anytime and leave a message: 1-800-917-7787. An advocate will return your call as soon as possible. You can also ask for help by filling out our Help Request Form.
Find out more
Read more on our website to find:
- what's new for 2025 VHC health plans
- how to apply for health insurance through Vermont Health Connect
- how much income you can have and qualify for Medicaid
- information about the different types of plans, premiums and copays
- what kind of help you may be able to get to lower the monthly premiums or cost-sharing
- links to information and help for small businesses.
Read about the topics listed in the menu of pages or visit the Vermont Health Connect Help Center to learn more about health care changes in Vermont.
Answers to questions
The Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Guide to the Private Health Insurance Marketplace was developed to help navigators answer your questions about health care reform and how the marketplace works. To use the guide, just pick the section that is right for you. Then look for the chapter about the issue you have questions about. The sections are: