You may be able to get free tax filing help. For example, there are tax-filing programs for low- or moderate-income taxpayers and for seniors.
If you are a federal employee or contractor who worked in Vermont and lost work through no fault of your own, you should apply for unemployment compensation benefits.
When we do testing, we ask people to use a new online legal help tool. Then we ask for your feedback. We ask you questions about what you read, what you saw, and how things worked.
Vermont Legal Aid is hosting a legal advice clinic for Vermonters experiencing homelessness. Lawyers will answer legal questions about participation in the General Assistance Emergency Housing program (also known as the “motel program”).
Vermont recently changed how domestic violence is defined within the civil courts. As of July 1, 2024, the term “coercive control” is included in the definition of abuse in Vermont.
New VTCourtForms guided interview helps Vermonters fill out initial court forms for divorce, legal separation and civil union dissolution.
Many Vermonters can get health insurance plans with lower premiums and out-of-pockets costs in 2025.
If your SSI (Supplemental Security Income) has been lowered because Social Security says you get help with housing or food costs — or because you are living in someone else’s home — you may be eligible to increase your monthly SSI by hundreds of dollars. This is because Social Security rules have just changed.
We’ve updated our information on this website about Vermont's hotel/motel emergency housing program to reflect new rules.
Vermonters who were affected by flooding in July 2024, can apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) and help from FEMA.