Finding a way to afford an eye exam and glasses can be challenging when you don’t have vision insurance. Here are some resources that may help.
Eye exams
Medicaid for people under 21 pays for eye exams and glasses.
Medicaid for people over 21 and the VPharm program pay for eye exams, but not glasses. If you are on one of these programs or another kind of vision coverage, ask your eyecare provider if they accept this type of insurance.
If you do not have insurance that covers eyecare you can contact UVM Medical Center’s Health Assistance Program (HAP). If you meet their program requirements you may be able to get help paying for an eye exam. To learn more, email or call 1-888-739-5183.
Prescription glasses
If you already have a prescription, you can buy low-cost prescription glasses through online companies.
Zenni Optical
Low-cost options for $6.95, or $10 or $20.
Eye Buy Direct
Low-cost options starting under $10.
Warby Parker
A little more expensive. Glasses cost around $100 on the low end.
The Lions Club will sometimes help with the cost of prescription glasses. They do not pay for eye exams. To apply, fill out this form and give it to your local Lions Club. Or call 1-888-885-4667.
Have questions?
The Office of the Health Care Advocate is a free and confidential resource for Vermont residents who have questions about health insurance or access to care. Call our HelpLine at 1-800-917-7787 if you have questions about access to eyecare or any other health care issue. You can also submit an online help request.
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