Quick Referral for Advocates and Other Community Partners

We are happy to provide access for advocates and community partners to submit a request for legal help on behalf of their clients.

  • On the Legal Help Request Form below, please fill in the form with your client’s information first.
  • Please note: You will need their date of birth.
  • If possible, include their email address and/or a phone number where they can get a text message. This will help us reach them.
  • There will be a final fifth screen for you to include your own contact information.
  • Let us know if we should reach out to you first — before the client.
  • On that screen, please also confirm that your client has given permission for you to speak with us.
  • If you have relevant documents to send us, please fax them to 802-651-4130.

QUICK CALL BACK: If your client can stay in your office for the next 20 to 30 minutes (during business hours), we will try to provide a quick call back. Follow the instructions on the fifth screen of the form.

Thank you!

Go to the Legal Help Request Form

If you contact us today, most people should expect to hear from us within about 7 to 10 days. If your client has been affected by the flooding, please let us know that and describe the problem and any deadlines.

  • Please look at the information on our website at VTLawHelp.org to see if questions are answered here.
  • If it’s an urgent problem, please give us as much detail as possible, including important dates and deadlines.
  • Please do not leave a second message.
  • Please look for a call back from a phone number that you may not recognize! Your caller ID might say 1-800-889-2047, Legal Services or VT Legal Aid.

You can leave a message on our legal helpline at 1-800-889-2047 during these hours:

  • Monday: 8 - 1
  • Tuesday: 12:30 - 7
  • Wednesday: 8 - 1
  • Thursday: 12:30 - 7
  • Friday: 8 - 1

Or you can fill out our Legal Help Request Form at any time.

New weekly legal clinic

Vermont Legal Aid is hosting a new weekly event: A free legal advice clinic for emergency housing issues.


Please share these with your clients and colleagues! Note there are features that allow user to save their work in an account and to share their progress with a trusted advocate.

Legal Roadmaps

We've created a collection of step-by-step tutorials called “Roadmaps” on this website. The Roadmaps at https://vtlawhelp.org/roadmaps feature step-by-step directions and short, colorful videos. They help Vermonters move through the steps of some common legal and benefits issues:

  • asking the court for a Relief from Abuse order
  • getting a divorce
  • getting a security deposit back on a rental unit
  • starting a small claims case, and
  • appealing when you are denied disability benefits from Social Security.

Please share them widely!

Flyers & brochures for community partners and advocates

These PDF files do not fully comply with all applicable guidelines for accessible digital documents. For a different format, please contact us at 1-800-889-2047.