ROADMAP: Getting Your Security Deposit Back in Vermont

Security Deposit Roadmap — Know Your Rights

Video: Security deposits in Vermont

A security deposit is money you paid your landlord to cover certain costs. In Vermont, the landlord can only keep it for:

  • unpaid rent
  • unpaid utility bills
  • damage to the home beyond normal wear and tear, or
  • the cost of removing things you left behind.

Otherwise, the whole security deposit must be paid back to you after you move out.

“Beyond normal wear and tear” means that you caused the damage, or allowed it to happen, while you were responsible for the rental unit that you call “home.” It also means the property damage is more than what naturally happens because of age.

Example: Sometimes old carpets have to be replaced and rooms need to be repainted even if there is no damage. This would be normal wear and tear. You are not responsible for these costs.

If the landlord wants to keep some or all of your security deposit, they need to explain their decision in writing. Read the Vermont law about security deposits.

Follow the steps

This Roadmap will teach you how to make sure you get your whole security deposit back in Vermont, and what to do if your landlord disagrees.

Watch our videos, read our detailed instructions and follow the steps!