July 5, 2016
Women Helping Battered Women has changed its name to Steps to End Domestic Violence.
The new name helps make it clear that Steps to End Domestic Violence is there to help everyone in Chittenden County who is affected by domestic violence - regardless of age or gender identity.
The new name shows that they help with all forms of abuse - physical, emotional, psychological and financial. Abuse is a pattern of power and control over another person.
Steps to End Domestic Violence offers the following services in Chittenden County:
- Hotline: It's answered 24/7. The number is 802-658-1996. You don't have to be in crisis to call the hotline. You can call for information or if you're concerned about a family member or friend.
- Shelter: A place to stay for those getting away from domestic violence and emergency housing to help individuals and families start to rebuild their lives
- Legal advocacy: Help victims of domestic violence make informed decisions and provide support in district and family court
- Economic justice: Help people leaving relationships with the financial impacts that often result from abusive relationships and help victims regain confidence in personal finance, build employment readiness, and get transitional and permanent housing
- Children's program: One-on-one support and therapy playgroups for children, as well as parenting support
- Education and prevention: Information and resources about domestic violence and how to support friends and family members who have experienced domestic violence
Go to the Steps to End Domestic Violence website to find out more or to get help. The Safety Alert page tells you what to do if you're in immediate danger and how to use a computer safely.