Victims sometimes stay with their abusers because they don’t know how they will live. Do you want to leave but you’re afraid you can’t afford to? There are state agencies, programs and other groups that can help you.
Domestic Violence Groups
Your local domestic violence group may be able to help you with emergency shelter, transportation or help finding permanent housing. Each group provides different kinds of help.
Relief from Abuse Orders
Is your abuser the parent of your children? The court may order your abuser to pay child support as part of a Relief From Abuse order. The court may also order your abuser to leave your home. Learn how to apply for a Relief from Abuse Order.
Subsidized Housing
Subsidized housing is housing where the government helps you pay the rent. You pay part of the rent and an agency pays the rest. You can also use subsidized housing to buy a home. You may qualify for subsidized housing. You can find more information on our Subsidized Housing page.
Public Assistance
Go to our Public Benefits page to learn more about different kinds of public assistance. You may be able to get help with food, housing, heat, child care, health care and more.
Department of Children and Families (DCF)
Do you have a child or children? You may be able to get help from the Department for Children and Families (DCF). DCF used to be called PATH or DSW. You may be able to get help paying the first month’s deposit on an apartment. You may also be able to get Reach Up, 3SquaresVT (food stamps), Medicaid, WIC or other assistance. You may be able to get Emergency Assistance right away.
Churches and Social Service Groups
Many churches and other groups will give victims some money. This may help you pay part of a security deposit. Or they might give you other help so you can leave your abuser. Contact your local church or find a community action program or other group.
You have a right to be safe. There are laws to protect you and people who can help you.