Green Mountain Care Board Considers Health Insurance Premium Increases


May 13, 2019 - updated June 17, 2019

The Green Mountain Care Board is now considering whether to raise health insurance premium prices for individual and small employer plans. These include Vermont Health Connect plans. These plans cover nearly 80,000 Vermonters.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont asked to raise next year’s premium prices by 15.6%, on average. MVP Health Care asked to raise premium prices by 8.5%, on average. The price increases vary by plan.

The Green Mountain Care Board must consider public comments when deciding the 2020 premium prices. You can tell the board what you think of the proposed prices. Visit our How the Public Can Participate page to learn how to make public comments to the board.

The public comment period for these plans ends in late July.

Last year, 197 Vermonters submitted public comments for the Vermont Health Connect premium review process. The Green Mountain Care Board referred to these comments in their decision.

Vermonters with premium subsidies may pay more or less next year. For these Vermonters, changes to how much they have to pay are mostly based on income, family size and which plan they choose during the next open enrollment.

If you have questions about your health insurance, health care access, or about how you can give a public comment, contact the Office of the Health Care Advocate at 1-800-917-7787.

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