Yes. Complaints can be made by BIP or DDS recipients, parents, guardians, or others. Complaints can be made by calling 1-888-567-BDAP (888-567-2327) or by using our online complaint form.
Once a complaint is received, we will attempt to verify the complaint with the BIP or DDS recipient, even if the person has a guardian. If the person can confirm they want BDAP to investigate and help resolve the complaint, we will continue with the complaint. We will communicate with the parent or guardian based on the permission we have to do so from the service recipient.
If the person tells BDAP not to investigate or resolve the complaint, we will close the complaint.
If the person cannot understand the issue and/or cannot communicate their preferences regarding the complaint, we will follow the directions of their guardian, Power of Attorney, or other surrogate decision-maker.
What kinds of complaints does BDAP take? How does BDAP help when someone has a complaint?
BDAP will take complaints that have to do with BIP or DD services and supports. These can be issues of actions, inactions, or decisions by provider agencies, staff, contractors, or others in the system. These can be issues that may affect the health, safety, welfare, or rights of people who are receiving BIP or DD services and supports.
Examples of complaints BDAP can investigate:
- The person is being abused, neglected, or exploited.
- Problems with a home provider or staff in staffed or supervised housing model, such as the provider ignoring a person’s preferences or needs, or is not acting consistent with their rights.
- Problems with a case manager, such as communication, follow through, and other issues.
- Staffing problems, such as training, dignity and respect, and other issues.