Free Summer Meals for Children in Vermont
June 25, 2018
Children and teens age 18 and younger can eat for free at meal sites all around Vermont this summer.
You can find the locations of the many Summer Food Service Program meals here on the Hunger Free Vermont website. Depending on the location, children can eat breakfast, lunch, snack or supper.
On your phone, you can also text “FOOD” to 877877 to find the meals that are served near you. You don’t need to register or fill out paperwork to eat a meal. This program is funded by the USDA.
During the summer, nearly 40,000 children from low-income Vermont households lose access to the school breakfasts, lunches, afterschool snacks or meals they receive during the school year. Summer meal programs help fill this gap by providing free meals and snacks to children who might otherwise go hungry.
Summer meals are also paired with activities that keep kids active while they are getting essential nutrition for their developing brains. Studies show that when children don't get proper nutrition, they fall behind their peers in school.