Expungement May Allow You to Clear Your Past Criminal Record

A pen sits on a criminal background check form

See our web page about Sealing or Expunging Your Criminal Record in Vermont for information on this topic and how to reach us for help.

Old criminal records prevent many Vermonters from obtaining jobs, housing or educational opportunities.

If you have a past criminal conviction, or a charge that has been dismissed, you may want to figure out whether you can “expunge” your criminal record. Through the expungement process, the State of Vermont allows for specific convictions and dismissed charges to be wiped from your record after a certain amount of time has passed. There are a couple of different sealing or expungement laws, and the requirements are a bit different for each.

Consider attending our next free expungement clinic. When available, we list them on our web page about Sealing or Expunging Your Criminal Record in Vermont. On that page you can also learn how to reach us for help.

Source URL: https://vtlawhelp.org/expungement-may-allow-you-clear-your-past-criminal-record

List of links present in page
  1. https://vtlawhelp.org/expungement-may-allow-you-clear-your-past-criminal-record
  2. https://vtlawhelp.org/expungement
  3. https://vtlawhelp.org/expungement